
30th Anniversary of Brazilian Immigration in Canada

By Nilton de Oliveira Jr | June 7, 2017

On the 27th of May, at the Pearson Convention Center, Ângela Mesquita and Luis de Castro celebrated 30 years of immigration from Brazil to Canada.

The documentary presented at the event  tells the story of Brazilians who came to Canada in 1987. The story of why they fled from Brazil and how they help lay the foundation for current day Brazilian immigrants.


The Brazilian community, still within the celebrations of its 30 years of immigration to Canada, has just received another significant tribute, this time with a commemorative plaque.

Brazilian Community, Toronto, ON

We came in search of dreams and the will to win. In this land, we find support and love. Today, we thank this floor, on which we feel loved and truly call it our home. Thank you Canada!

With the presence of the press, representatives of the Consulate and the Brazilian community of Toronto, the inauguration ceremony for the plaque took place at the Real Institute on Tuesday, May 8.

As a master of ceremonies, journalist Marzio Lorenzo explained that the plaque will be on permanent display in Halifax, as a collection of the Canadian Immigration Museum. The museum was installed at Pier 21, where ships with immigrants docked after World War II.