

Grand Parade Walk Kicks In Funds for Abrigo

Seniors Set the Pace in Inspiring Display

 By Gerald Luciano, Manager, Fundraising and Communications | November 22, 2024

A grey but warm day welcomed close to 80 participants of all ages to Abrigo’s inaugural Grand Parade charity walk in support of the Dufferin Street agency’s Life and Hope seniors’ program. Together, Abrigo clients, staff members, local residents and students from Loretto College and Great Lakes College raised a total of more than $7,700 for the agency.

The event, hosted by our friends at Loretto College School in Corso Italia, saw 40 participating walkers go on a 2.5 km trek around neighbourhood sidewalks circulating the school. What provided to be exciting was the vitality and enthusiasm all the participating seniors demonstrated as each and every one completed the walk.

This event would not have been such a great success without the additional support of our event and corporate sponsors. First, thank you to Andrew and Shelley’s No Frills at Dufferin Mall and the Tim Hortons location at St. Clair and Dufferin Street for their generous donations of water, food and treats for the walkers. Thank you as well to Fatima Dias who led the participants in a fabulous Zumba warm-up prior to the walk. Her high-powered 10-minute routine had people energized and ready to go.

“What I found to be inspiring was the intergenerational mix of a large groups seniors walking, interacting, laughing and enjoying the day with 40 or so student volunteers from both Loretto and Great Lakes College,” said Abrigo Co-Executive Director Gila Raposo. “We were thrilled that our participation for the first time in the Grand Parade raised a fabulous amount for our incredible seniors program. I can’t wait to do it all again next September.”

The Grand Parade is a nation-wide, family-friendly fundraiser that helps support local charities who provide essential care and service for aging Canadians. Parade day is an opportunity to take to the streets to publicly honour each agency’s aging clients, friends and family members, while fundraising for the charity who serves them faithfully. This year more than 400 teams made up of 1,875 walkers raised more than $750,000 across Canada for this wonderful cause.

“The Life and Hope group removes seniors from isolation, they connect with their peers, build socialization and community skills, and participate in activities that connect people,” declares Paula De Jesus, Abrigo’s Co-Executive Director (left), who helps to oversee the program. “Three days a week our Life and Hope clients enjoy breakfast and lunch at Abrigo, and with some participants living alone and on fixed incomes, some of the funds raised at the Grand Parade will go to providing seniors with healthy and nutritious meals,”

“Healthy eating is just one important part of aging well and sharing a meal with others is one of life’s great pleasures. All the donations to this event will help keep the 100 plus seniors at Abrigo strong in mind, body and spirit!” says Ms. De Jesus.

Fundraising campaigns like The Grand Parade are an invitation to others to help make a difference. Abrigo regularly has events and activities that raise funds for our diversified programs and services. We invite you to jump in with both feet next time to help make a difference for those in need. Watch this space for more information about some exciting events coming soon.

Finally, the date has been set for the 2025 Grand Parade. Mark Saturday, September 20th on your calendar. It will undoubtably be bigger and better next year!

Gerald Luciano

Gerald Luciano has been the Abrigo Centre’s Manager of Fundraising and Communications for nine years and has close to three decades of experience working in the healthcare and social service sectors.

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