A piece of paradise called Jericoacoara
By Giselle Noroes | Photos by Renato Andrade | Published 23/04/2018
Jericoacoara, located in Ceara state, is so much more than just one of the most beautiful beaches in Brazil. It is the perfect refuge for those who want to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and connect with nature. You will be staying in a small village where the streets are sandy and very few cars are permitted.
Photo: Jericoacoara Village
Transfer from Jijoca to Jericoacoara
The best way to get there is the Jijoca-Jericoacoara transfer through the dunes. It might not be the most comfortable way, but it is certainly the most beautiful. The ideal ride is done during the day on a “Pau de Arara” (a flat bed truck used for transportation) or by dune buggies.
The journey takes about four hours from Fortaleza, the capital of Ceara. However, a new airport was built in Jericoacara in July 2017 giving visitors the option to take weekly flights departing from São Paulo, Campinas and Recife.
Itinerary Tips
Photo: Pedra Furada, one of the most famous attractions of Jeri is a thirty-minute walk away from Jericoacoara beach.
Among some of the unforgettable tours, make sure to visit the “Duna do Por do Sol”, hike the trails to Pedra Furada, go diving in the Azul, Paraiso and Tatajuba lagoons, stop by the Árvore da Preguiça (Sloth Tree), Mangue Seco and much more. The lagoons have crystal clear water and the scenery is breathtaking in this tropical paradise. A curious fact is the hammocks are strategically placed by the lagoons inviting the visitor to relax and get a tan.
Photo: View of “Duna Por de Sol”
What to do in the evening
The night life in the village of Jericoacoara is an adventure in itself. The entertainment program includes the Forró da Dona Amélia (on Wednesdays and Fridays), the Samba da Benção (on Fridays) and Reggae (on Wednesdays) as well as food and drink stalls on the main street.
For those who prefer a quieter evening, there are also restaurants and bars with live music. Among the seafood restaurants are the Tamarindo and the Lagosteiro. Some restaurants offer the “menu of the day” with a fixed price.
Photo: “Banana pie by Renato Andrade
Don’t miss Tia Angelita’s banana pie
You must go to Tia Angelita. It is a pretty simple cafe where can get one of the most delicious banana pies you will have ever eaten.
Jericoacoara, or Jeri as many like to call it, is truly a paradisiacal place that enchants and delights all visitors and locals alike. The strong winds bring another attraction for those who love water sports such as kite-surfing and stand up paddle boarding.
– To wear sunscreen and to bring comfy clothes & shoes
– To have cash on you (no ATM’s) – Five days is enough to visit the area with no rush
Pousada My Blue (www.mybluehotel.com.br)
Daily rates: Average daily rates go from R$180 to R$300 (CAD 70 to CAD 115)
Albergue Tirol (www.hosteljericentral.wixsite.com/hosteltirol) Daily rates: Average daily rates go from R$30 to R$55 (CAD 12 a CAD 21)
Bus (www.guichevirtual.com.br)
By bus from the Fortaleza Bus Station (Rodoviária) – tickets start at R$47 (CAD 18)
Plane (www.decolar.com)
Roundtrip plane tickets start at R$800 (CAD 308) from Campinas.
A daily tourist tax was introduced in September 2017. BRL 5/day, around CAD 2.) People with disabilities, senior citizens over the age of 60 and children up to the age of 12 are exempt.