National Ethnic Press & Media Council of Canada opening ceremony at CNE 2022
International Pavilion at Enercare Centre – Boot 3425
By Leila Monteiro Lins | August 22, 2022
The National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada (NEPMCC) is a non-profit organization established1958, whose mission is to promote and integrate economic, social, and cultural interests of ethnic communities into the mainstream of Canadian Society.
President of the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada, Mr. Thomas Saras & Executive Director Leila Monteiro Lins, from Discover magazine.
We are 850 publications printing all over the Canadian dominion in more than 111 languages, and 150 broadcasters for radio and television in 60 different languages serving Canadians and helping them to integrate into their new Canadian culture.
NEPMCC’S ambition is to lead and support its members through appropriate and efficient means and the association delivers this through innovative training and education, upholding world class ethical and professional standards, partnering with government, engaging in thought leadership and public policy advocacy underpinned by our member’s needs, knowledge, and experience.
NEPMCC has partnered with the National NewsMedia Council of Canada (NNC). The NNC and NEPMCC foresee the desirability and utility of a closer association between their two institutions as they both work towards supporting Canadian media on all levels. They are further united in the desire to see that media organizations are responsible not just to their various constituencies and readers, but also to the principles of ethical news coverage and respect for differing editorials.
NEPMCC is an important participant in the Canadian economic growth
Canada, today, is in a period of socio-economic changes in a world that is rapidly becoming more internationally oriented, looking for new markets and searching for new partnerships. In this connection, the ethnic press, and the communities they serve can prove to be an important participant in the Canadian economic growth because of their ability to speak all the languages of the world, their global contact and their global knowledge.
President of the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada, Mr. Thomas Saras & Executive Director of NEPMCC, Maria Saras-Voutsinas.
“ The internet has changed the way we do things and sometimes even the way we think. NEPMCC is moving forward by creating the NEPMCC Mass Media Website – that has tremendous success as it gathers hundreds of publications in a platform that can be accessed with just one “click”. Information is power and now it is easier for you to connect with our multicultural audience and convey your message in a language that can be easily understood”, Mr. Thomas Saras.
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