

Whither Brazil: What’s Next?

By Leila Monteiro Lins


September 2, 2015 – 7:45 am

Location: Fasken Martineau

333 Bay Street, Suite 2400

Bay Adelaide Centre

Toronto, ON M5H 2T6


Breakfast will be served


Canadian Council for the Americas presents:

Sergio Fausto is executive superintendent of Fundação Instituto Fernando Henrique Cardoso, a think tank and presidential library in Sao Paolo. He is a member of Gacint-USP, a group that brings together academics and policymakers to assess international relations at Universidade de São Paulo, and a contributor to O Estado de Sao Paulo. During President Cardoso’s two terms in office, Fausto served as advisor to the Ministry of Planning and Budget, the Ministry of Development and External Trade, and the Ministry of Finance. Fausto’s publications include “Difícil Democracia” (Paz e Terra, 2011), “Brasil y América del Sur: Miradas Cruzadas” (Siglo XXI, 2012) and “Brasil y América Latina: que liderazgo es posible” (Plataforma Democrática, 2013).

David Fleischer is president of TCC-Brazil (Transparency, Consciousness and Citizenship), an NGO based in Brasilia. He has published Brazil Focus – Weekly Report since 1996. A long time resident of Brazil, he was former Chair of the Dept. of Political Science and International Relations at University of Brasilia and was Director of the School of Social and Political Science at UniDF – Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal – a private university in Brasília.


The program will be moderated by Kenneth Frankel, CCA President, with the panelists participating by video conference from Brasilia and Sao Paulo.